Being part of Something Bigger.


 Marianne is a creative practitioner who wants to have a positive social impact and provoke change.

 Her work centers on designing and delivering projects weaving together her creative skills in textiles, her journey through motherhood and her passion for creating social impact.

Marianne has a foundation in art, is trained in design and has been bitten by the social enterprise bug.
She wants to have a positive social impact and provoke change.
Inspired by ideas of repair, making and doing and she works under the tagline of:

“Making Things.
Making Things.Better”

Marianne demonstrates her passion for creative and social enterprise sectors through her role as co-founder and studio director of Boom Studios, Bangor.

She draws inspiration from the richness of both sectors in Norther Ireland,
to shape Boom Studios is to be an adaptable and contemporary model for arts and creative organisations, whilst providing independent, relevant support for the sector.

Marianne believes that the creative sector holds the ability to unlock social change. She demonstrates this through actively delivering arts and creative services to the community, independently and in partnership with local arts facilitators, 3rd sector, corporate and educational organisations and local councils.

Marianne can see the bigger picture quickly and can articulate it clearly.
She works in an organic way, developing projects by creating a trusting environment for ideas to emerge.

She is naturally relaxed and enthusiastic.
She actively maintains a wide network of partners, supporters, mentors and advisors.



Find out about my inspiration, my projects , and work in progress.

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